Want to get an idea of where your student is in terms of math skills? Have him or her take one of the following assessments.
I would suggest having students start with an EOG practice test from their previous grade level (Ex: a current 5th grader would work on the 4th grade practice test). If your student aces it, have him or her work on the test for their current level. If not, reach out to me and we'll come up with a plan to get him or her back on track.
Important: be sure to always PRINT OUT these and any other exercises, rather than having them work from a screen.
North Carolina End of Grade (EOG) practice tests
(Grade information has been stripped from these pdfs, in case you don't want your student to know what they're working on).
4th Grade-- pdf is named "alpha"
5th Grade-- pdf is named "beta"
6th Grade-- pdf is named "gamma"
7th Grade-- pdf is named "delta"
8th Grade-- pdf is named "epsilon"
Pre-algebra Placement Test
Link to Pre-algebra Placement Test
NOTE: answer keys have also been removed from all of the above assessments; please contact me for access.
North Carolina End of Course (EOC) practice tests
Official SAT Practice Tests
Full Practice Test #1 (The math sections start on page 36. Contact me for the answer key)